Like fitness, your diet is a lifestyle. It should be ongoing and permanent, not a temporary shift to achieve a quick result. Quick fixes always lead to short term results.

Think of your diet as a noun, not a verb. You have a diet; you don’t “go on” or “start” a diet.
Every action has a reaction and anything you start you can also stop. You’re much less likely to suddenly end your lifestyle, but you can always abruptly end a diet and undo any of the good that has been achieved.
Instead of dieting to lose weight, choose lower-calorie, nutrient-dense foods that will both nourish and fuel your body. Extreme calorie restriction can ultimately lower your metabolism, as your body seeks to preserve stored calories. Deprivation can lead to frustration and bingeing.
Ask yourself how the foods you’re putting into your body are serving you. Are they nourishing your body and improving your health? Are they doing your body good?
All calories are not equal. Some foods are more nutritious than others. One-hundred calories of vegetables are not the same as 100 calories of chips or cookies.
A healthy diet is the fuel for your exercise program. Exercise, in turn, will help you gain strength, build fitness and increase your metabolism.
Improving your fitness and wellness should be the goal; weight loss may be a byproduct of that. Fitness first!
Diet and exercise aren’t just about changing your body; they’re about changing your life!